Hotel Colonial Special offers
Cancel anytime
At Hotel Colonial we want to make it easy for you. That's why, if for any reason you can't stay with us, we will refund 100% of your booking, at no cost for you.
Choose the Refundable rate during the booking process and you will have free cancellation up to 24 hours before your arrival.
10% discount
Stop searching! On no other website will you find a better price than the one we offer you through our official website.
Furthermore, if you use the promotional code COL10, you will get an additional 10% discount on your next booking.
Code not valid for stays from 01/06 to 30/09
Half Board
Did you know that only guests who book directly through the Hotel Colonial website are able to stay half board?
A unique opportunity to enjoy our Gourmet Menu. Two dishes and a dessert to choose each day from an extensive menu prepared with great care and the best raw materials.
Welcome Icecream
The homemade icecream of Colonial has been recognised as one of the best in Spain. That's why we don't want you to leave the hostel without trying one of our ice creams.
Book directly through our website and we'll invite you to an ice cream tasting upon arrival. We're sure you'll come back for more!
TripResale Rate
On the Hotel Colonial website we have incorporated a new rate that always guarantees you the best price: the TripResale rate.
How does this rate work? If for any reason you can't enjoy your stay, you can easily resell it on the website.
Select this rate during the booking process and make the most of your next holiday.
Free cancellation Up to 24 hours before the date of arrival.
10% discount With the code COL10 you can get a 10% discount for your booking on our website.* * Code not valid for stays from 01/06 to 30/09
Welcome ice-cream Booking on our website we invite you to try one of the best ice creams in Spain.
Resellable rate If you can't enjoy your stay, you can easily resell it through
Half Board Only if you book at our website you will be able to stay in Half Board, enjoying our Gourmet Menu every day.
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Consulta opiniones reales de nuestros clientes sobre el Hotel Colonial en la Colonia de Sant Jordi, desde las principales plataformas online como Google Maps o TripAdvisor:
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Apartment 2 bedrooms “Colonial 1”
3 slots VT / 1324
Apartment 4 bedrooms "Colonial 2“
6 slots VT / 1318
Hotel Colonial H / 1195
Carrer Gabriel Roca, 9, 07638
Colònia de Sant Jordi, Illes Balears
+34 971 65 52 78
Hotel Colonial - Colonia de Sant Jordi
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